2021-11-16 15:00| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1454| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
随着市场经济的高速发展,人们追求高品质的生活理念已渗透到钢铁产业,以往黑色、粗犷的钢板已不能满足人们的需求,色彩艳丽、功能实用的彩涂钢板应运而生。彩色涂层钢板是将一种有机涂层涂敷于钢材表面,它具有外表美观、色彩艳丽、强度高、耐蚀性好、加工成型方便等优点,而且还可以使用户降低成本、减少污染。钢木门行业一直广泛采用的PVC覆膜钢板就是其中最为成熟的一种技术,最近不少企业正在探索在钢木门 表面采用更为环保、物理加工特性更好的覆膜技术,在家电行业广泛采用的PET覆膜技术开始进入大家的视线。
With the rapid development of market economy, people's pursuit of high-quality life concept has penetrated into the steel industry. In the past, the black and rough steel plate can not meet people's needs, and the colorful and practical color-coated steel plate has emerged at the historic moment.Color coated steel plate is an organic coating applied on the steel surface, it has the beautiful appearance, gorgeous color, high strength, good corrosion resistance, convenient processing and other advantages, but also can make users reduce the cost, reduce pollution.The PVC film covering steel plate that has been widely used in the steel and wood door industry is one of the most mature technologies. Recently, many enterprises are exploring the use of more environmental protection, better physical processing characteristics of film coating technology on the surface of the steel and wood door, and the PET film covering technology widely adopted in the home appliance industry began to enter everyone's line of sight.