
Steel Plate钢板资讯

彩钢板厂家_vcm覆膜彩色钢板汽车内饰装饰材料子午灰亲肤抗刮钢板膜 ...

2021-8-10 09:54| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1620| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资


With the rapid development of economy, people's consumer demand for goods is getting higher and higher, with higher requirements for commodity iteration speed and innovation, and product competition pressure is more and more strengthened, which leads to the continuous rise of CMF industry.In recent years, CMF's influence in the industry is constantly strengthening, and the decoration technology of products is also constantly excavating.Among the decorative materials, film industry continues to develop. At present, film is widely used in the field of product decoration, and the mainstream products include automobiles, home appliances, consumer electronics, etc.


Film decoration includes: IMD, OMD, color plate, watermark, etc.;


Color board is divided into: PCM, PPM, VCM, PEM, ACM and so on.


Automobile interior decoration technology application is mature, can achieve a variety of rich decorative effects, presenting high-end visual effect.And another film decoration technology has been big hidden in the market, is the color plate, also called film coated color steel plate.Color board is widely used in the field of white appliances, as well as the TV back shell, computer case, small home appliances, ship interior decoration, home decoration and so on aspects are used.In the mold, outside the mold, color film, three fields, all through the film to achieve the decorative effect of products.In order to promote the development of thin film decoration industry, suitable for the new era of product decoration demand.


The vcm coated plate is a laminated composite steel plate, with natural color, exquisite pattern, luxurious and elegant appearance effect, as well as corrosion resistance, moisture resistance and scratch resistance, easy molding, not brittle crack and other performance advantages.Foshan wanqing materials co., LTD. VCM steel plate is widely used in refrigerator, washing machine, microwave oven, wine cabinet, refrigerator, water heater, range hood, disinfection cabinet, VCD and car interior, ships, train, bus, frozen containers and steel security door, steel entry door, steel indoor door door materials.亲肤抗刮钢板膜V2604子午灰
