
Steel Plate客户案例

0.23书写板彩涂0.27mm彩涂书写白板黑板卷材冷轧镀锌板分条平板覆膜加工 ...

2021-12-17 16:50| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 3779| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资


During the teaching process, the teachers used the blackboard almost every day. I remember that the blackboard of my time was applied with black or dark green paint on the surface of the boards, cement and other hard objects.Today, The Times are constantly moving forward, and the blackboard is also moving from wooden "board" to cement "board" to today's multimedia interactive nano-intelligent blackboard.From the former small desk to the current multimedia teaching, this is what we could not dream of in the past, and now it has been realized.



In the 80s, the cement blackboard on the classroom wall is very popular, relatively wood blackboard is not easy to damage, plane is more smooth, the teacher to write relatively easy, but the students reading board, a new problem, that is the blackboard easy reflective —— students sitting on both sides of the classroom, can't see the words on the blackboard, so to open your eyes, twist the body and head, find the best Angle.If the black paint on the surface of the blackboard disappears, most of the students sitting in the back row can not see clearly.The cement blackboard is very easy to use, write very clear, but the students in the floating chalk ash in the blackboard class, the teacher's clothes and bags are sometimes covered with a vast white layer.


In the 990s, a lot of schools use the wool glass blackboard, the blackboard is delicate, much better than the wooden blackboard, cement blackboard, smooth writing, the students also see clearly, but wipe the blackboard, chalk dust will be everywhere, straight into the nostrils, many teachers got the throat.

现在的黑板用彩涂钢板复合材料板....见证了世界教育事业的一步步发展。佛山市万庆物资有限公司应用于黑板彩涂钢板板面采用涂以耐磨涂层的优质合金钢板,板面厚度多为0.3mm-0.4mm,耐磨,不脱落,不褪色,经久耐用.书写手感好,字迹清晰,易写,易擦试.粉尘少,而新型材料复合板是由进口高分子合金颗粒与环氧树脂经一次性压制成型表面不做任何处理,板面厚度为3mm,书写流畅,字迹清晰永久性不打滑,不反光,擦后无残留,可视效果极佳,经测试使用寿命达15年以上, 平面板板面平整光滑,弧面板板面为曲面,防止反光,能使坐在各角落的学生也能看清板书字迹,适用于较大的教室。

To the current blackboard with color coated steel plate, composite board.... this has witnessed the step by step development of the world education cause.Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. is applied to the blackboard color coated steel plate surface, using high-quality alloy steel plate coated with wear-resistant coating, the plate surface thickness is mostly 0.3mm-0.4mm, wear-resistant, do not fall off, do not fade, and durable. Good writing feel, clear handwriting, easy to write, easy to try. Is less dust, and the new material composite plate by imported polymer alloy particles and epoxy resin by pressing surface without any treatment, surface thickness of 3mm, smooth writing, clear permanent not skid, not reflective, wipe no residue, excellent visual effect, tested service life of more than 15 years, flat panel flat surface, curved surface, prevent reflection, can make sitting in each corner of students can also see handwriting, suitable for a larger classroom.


现在,黑板已经不是传统意义的黑板了,交互式纳米智能黑板、液晶屏、iPad、AR实景…… 层出不穷的新科技伴随着全新的育人理念,让教与学更加便捷。

Now, the blackboard is no longer the traditional meaning of the blackboard, interactive nano intelligent blackboard, LCD screen, iPad, AR real scene... emerge an endless new technology with a new education concept, make teaching and learning more convenient.
