
Steel Plate钢板资讯

佛山白彩钢板厂家|vcm覆膜板|pvc覆膜钢板|PET覆膜钢板|钢板pvc贴膜厂家 ...

2022-2-23 09:41| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1467| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资

vcm覆膜板有光亮和亚光两种,表面贴PVC覆合膜,表面花纹色彩丰富、装饰效果好 (:木纹效果、不锈钢拉丝效果是当前 流行家电彩图板效果、各种颜色的珠光效果等)、有较高的表面光泽度,具有耐磨损、耐腐蚀、耐油渍、方便擦洗、良好的加工性能等优点。

The vcm film plate has bright and sublight, surface with PVC coating film, surface pattern color, good decorative effect (such as wood grain effect, stainless steel drawing effect is the current popular home appliances color plate effect, various color of bead effect, etc.), has high surface gloss, with wear resistance, corrosion resistance, oil resistance, convenient scrubbing, good processing performance.


The pvc coated steel plate is thermoplastic. The surface can not only be heat-processed (such as embossing to enrich the surface texture), but also has good flexibility (which can be bent), and its anti-corrosion performance is also good.The market pvc coated plate is divided into pvc coated plate and pvc coated plate.So the PVC steel plate is a very good material.

pvc覆膜钢板贴合覆膜机,全自动板材表面自动覆膜机贴膜机贴合效果好,上海安展装饰机械贴面设备 PVC 钢板贴合覆膜机采用滚涂工艺,在卷钢上滚涂好胶水,或覆好各种花纹的的 pvc 膜,防锈性能与加工性能都符合相关标准,无需再次喷涂,可直接在冲床,折板机上加工,综合成本比用镀锌板成型后再喷涂相对要低。

The pvc film coating machine, automatic plate surface automatic film coating machine fitting effect is good, Shanghai Ann exhibition decoration mechanical veneer equipment PVC steel plate coating process using rolling, roll glue, or various pattern pvc film, rust prevention performance and processing performance meet the relevant standards, without spraying, can be directly in the punch, folding machine processing, comprehensive cost than with galvanized plate spraying is relatively low.


Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. is mainly used in the appearance parts of household appliance products, such as refrigerator side panel / door panel, washing machine panel / enclosure panel, range hood outer panel, microwave oven panel, water heater panel / enclosure panel / end cover plate, air conditioning panel, large screen flat panel TV back panel, etc.So far, it has developed to more than 3,000 customers, covering most white and black home appliance brand manufacturers in the domestic market (especially in the South China market).

