
Steel Plate钢板资讯

pcm彩涂板光泽高光白彩涂板饮水机侧板低光泽哑光白彩涂板加工覆膜 ...

2022-4-1 14:19| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1449| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资


The gloss of the pcm color coating board is not a coating performance index, but like the color, it is just a representation.In fact, coating (coating) is easier to achieve high luster.However, the high reflectivity of sunlight will cause light pollution (many now do not use glass curtain wall because of light pollution), in addition, high gloss surface friction coefficient is small, easy to slip, in roof construction; color coated steel plate in outdoor aging is lost, if maintenance, easy to distinguish between the old and new steel plates, resulting in bad appearance; the back paint if high luster, indoor light halo and cause visual fatigue.Therefore, under normal circumstances, the building color coated steel plate are used in medium and low gloss (30-40 degrees).


General engineering use can be divided into single plate and composite board, composite board is divided into rock wool composite board and polystyrene composite plate.Single panels are generally used in the workshop or shed; some panels are installed with rock wool, called "field compound".Composite board type wall board with 950, top board 970 or 960 in the majority.Single board is common in 760,820,840,900,127 or 960, in which 760 and 820 are installed as fixed by bracket, and other versions are fixed with self-tapping nails.760,820,840 are used as tops, 900 for wall panels, 127 or 960 for wall panels or inside the top.


Foshan Wanqing material color steel plate manufacturers products are directly shipped by factories, less a lot of intermediate links, the whole country can be shipped, to a large extent to meet customer needs, the same quality, our price is reasonable!Factory consultation: 13380241768 Manager Chen
